GUEST POST: No Ordinary Guide to Moving Interstate: 5 Most Practical Tips of All Time

Apr 30, 2019 | Guest Post | 0 comments

Moving, like having your legs waxed or cavities filled, is a task that is expected to be far from fun. However, not liking it won’t change the fact that it must happen when it needs to be done. Daunting as it may be, relocating to another state can become a lot easier and less stressful.

Resourcefulness and rational thinking can get you a long way in terms of relocating. From planning and packing to dealing with the actual move, you should be fine if you know (and follow) the five most practical moving tips of all time:

1. Create a Moving Calendar

Like other important tasks, being organized with your move can help you get through the entire process without fainting from exhaustion and stress. And this can be achieved by creating a moving calendar.

As the name suggests, this is a timeline for important tasks that need to be done and the right time to do it. It should also indicate a task list that is organized according to importance to help you focus on what needs to be prioritized during the long process of moving, such as buying supplies, packing, and dealing with the necessary paperwork for the move, among others.

2. Pick a Reliable Moving Company

The importance of getting the best removal services cannot be overstated. While you may opt to DIY your move, an interstate relocation may just be too challenging for you to tackle on your own. That said, make sure to take advantage of professional help by hiring not just the best in the business but also by choosing those who can offer the perfect deal for your allocated budget, schedule, and specific needs.

3. Utilize Clever Packing Hacks

Packing is an essential part of the moving process, but it is also one of the most excruciatingly tiresome of them all. To ensure that you get this task done efficiently, here are some clever packing hacks you can try for your interstate move:

? If you want your new home to feel like the old one, take a photo of every room to know which items go where.

? Prepare a moving toolbox that contains all your important packing and organizing supplies, so you can bring them anywhere in the house.

? Save on packing nuts and bubble wrap by using towels, socks, and beddings to protect breakables during the move. This way, you can use standard packing supplies for really valuable, fragile items.

? Put a rubber band across the doorknob on all rooms in your old home to prevent them from closing while you pack.

? Organize cords and wires using toilet rolls to prevent tangling and damage. You can also take a photo of your electronic devices, including the side where all the cables are still attached.

? Tape cords and cables to the appliances they go with before packing them for more organized unpacking.

? Keep clothes on their hangers and put plastic over them to avoid soiling them on moving day. For last-minute moves, it is also wiser to keep folded clothes in their respective drawers and transport them as is.

? Box items according to the rooms they belong to. Aside from labeling, this will ensure that you don’t drown in the mess and forget which item goes where.

4. Prepare an Essentials Bag

An essentials bag is just as it sounds—a bag of the most basic items you need to survive the first few days in your new home. This should include at least three sets of clothing, toiletries, food and beverages, beddings, and a first aid kit complete with maintenance medications. If you’re still unsure what to put in your essentials bag, remember this: the key is to pack as if you’re going on a weekend getaway.

5. Reduce Your Load by Decluttering

Moving costs more if you have more belongings to pack and transport, so make sure to declutter before you relocate. Decluttering doesn’t need to be a nightmare if you strictly follow a specific rule for segregating the items you should keep from those you need to get rid of.

? Allow ample time for this process (at least two weeks before the move) to make sure you get through everything without making rash decisions.

? When dealing with consumables, try to use up as much as you can before the move. This means you should forego a trip to the grocery store unless absolutely necessary.

? Segregate non-consumables according to three container categories: to keep, to donate, and to throw away.

? After that, bring all three containers to each room and put items in them as you go depending on what you plan to do with each item.

Make Moving a Breeze

No move is too challenging if you have the right tools and know how to accomplish it. Make relocation a manageable part of your life by following these tried-and-tested tips so you have a stress-free interstate move.

About the Author:

Craig Jones is the Managing Director at Aussiemove, Australia’s largest independent moving alliance. Craig is a respected member of the removalist network in Australia, having served in senior positions, including the President of the removal industries governing body, the Australian Furniture Removals Association (AFRA). With 23 years of experience at Aussiemove, he has the skills and the highly trained team to move families safely and reliably, in Adelaide, across Australia and around the world.



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No Ordinary Liz is unique stories about my past in foster care, my awesome present life and hope for the future. I have lived a not so ordinary life so to speak and feel that I need to share these experiences with each of you. These stories will be funny, sad, inspirational, uncomfortable and motivational. Stop by and take a look around. And don’t forget to purchase my book!

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