GUEST POST: #NoOrdinaryLifestyle: What Is Ikigai, and How Can It Impact Our Lives?

May 22, 2020 | Guest Post | 0 comments

Though we all have unique motivators and interests, there is a common theme throughout humanity of finding our purpose, love and motivation. The concept of wanting to find our purpose in life spans ages, races and genders, tying us all together through our search for meaning in our lives.

In Japan, the concept of searching for your life’s purpose is called Ikigai (pronounced EE-key-guy). There isn’t a direct English translation for this concept, but it roughly translates to this journey of self-discovery.

Though your life’s purpose can seem like an abstract concept, the answer actually lies at the intersection of four simple questions:

? What do you love to do?

? What are you good at doing?

? What does the world need?

? What can you be paid for doing?

Once you start to identify your responses to those four questions, you’ll find that it’s easier to identify your Ikigai than you imagined.

It isn’t necessary to jump immediately into your life’s purpose: Ikigai can be applied to our daily lives as well. Ikigai is also the concept of living a more purpose-driven and fulfilling life in general by nurturing our bodies and minds.

Examples of “everyday Ikigai” include eating diverse, healthy meals, checking in with our loved ones, setting time aside to relax and cherishing life’s imperfections instead of beating ourselves up for small failures.

This mindfulness can help shape your mind and mody, and can perhaps even start you down a larger pathway of self discovery.

Find-Your-Ikigai(Photo provided by Emily Gibson)

If you’ve ever tried this approach and would like to share you purpose with us, comment below! #weallhaveapurpose

Author Bio: Emily Gibson is a content creator for Bestow. When she’s not typing away at a computer, you can find her hiking with her dog or watching live music. 


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No Ordinary Liz is unique stories about my past in foster care, my awesome present life and hope for the future. I have lived a not so ordinary life so to speak and feel that I need to share these experiences with each of you. These stories will be funny, sad, inspirational, uncomfortable and motivational. Stop by and take a look around. And don’t forget to purchase my book!

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