No Ordinary Stories
Welcome! See what makes me, me! Be sure to say hi!!
Would You Know the Warning Signs?
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Eckerd recently partnered with Florida Department of Children and Families and Children's Board of Hillsborough County...
ICYMI: 5 Steps to Being The Best YOU!!! (GUEST POST)
Hey YA'LL!!! Guess, what?!?! I've had the honor of guest writing over at! I have to tell ya, this was a pretty cool experience :)...
Hey NASHVILLE! No Ordinary Liz is coming for YOU!! Are YOU Ready?
Whelp! It's that time! TIME for me to dust off my old cowboy boot (I can only wear one, since I'm still sporting my fancy "robocop" boot from post...
When LIFE Presses the Pause Button…
According to Greek Mythology, ACHILLES was one of the best fighters the gates of Troy had seen. ACHILLES who is known as the Greek hero of the...
No Ordinary Life for No Ordinary Liz (Repost)
LIFE is... getting lost and finding your way failing and making mistakes learning to find your own path following your heart learning to forgive...
A Chance Of A Lifetime…To INSPIRE and Be INSPIRED
HAVE you ever had an opportunity to cross your path that you simply couldn't pass up or you second guessed yourself about submitting an application...
A timeline of my life
- 1980- Born in Spain
- 1980-1988- No memory of this point in time
- 1985 to 1993- Lived with someone I thought was my grandmother.
- 1993 to 1998 – Entered the foster care system
- 1998- Graduated High School, Emancipated from the system and faced the world on my own.
- 1998 to 2000 – Learning how to live life on my own
- 2000 to 2004 – Earned my A. A. degree and 2 B.A degrees along with Internship to Washington, DC
- 2004 – 2010 – Started motivational speaking, author of a book, reunification with my sister and brother, Moved to FL
- 2010 – 2016 – Became a GAL, working for a Big Four Accounting Firm, started a blog